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Parody Times
Paris, France - Saturday - 22 February 2025
Revolutionary 'SportsChain' App Promises to Disrupt High School Politics, Redirect Funds to Athletics

A school basketball team captain who believes sports and their funding should be prioritized over student council campaigns

In a groundbreaking move that's set to shake up the world of high school governance, a team of varsity athletes-turned-entrepreneurs has launched SportsChain, a blockchain-based app that aims to revolutionize student council elections and school budget allocation.

SportsChain, developed by a group of senior basketball players from Silicon Valley High, utilizes cutting-edge blockchain technology to automatically redirect funds from traditional student council activities to sports programs. The app's algorithm is designed to prioritize athletic performance over outdated concepts like "student representation" and "diverse extracurricular activities."

"We saw a huge inefficiency in the market," said Chad Dunker, SportsChain's CEO and starting point guard. "Why waste money on lame school dances when you could be investing in state-of-the-art basketball hoops? Our app solves this problem."

The platform works by tokenizing student votes into "SportCoins." Each time a student tries to vote for a council representative, their vote is instead converted into funding for the school's athletic department. Early adopters can earn bonus SportCoins by bench pressing in the school gym, with additional tokens awarded for each rep.

Critics argue that the app undermines the democratic process and unfairly favors athletic programs. However, SportsChain's CTO and power forward, Brad Swisher, disagrees. "Look, student council is just a popularity contest anyway. At least with SportsChain, we're turning that popularity into something useful – like new jerseys for the team."

The app has already garnered significant interest from venture capitalists, with several firms praising its "disruptive potential" and "innovative approach to ignoring non-athletic students." One anonymous investor gushed, "Finally, a way to combine the hype of blockchain with the time-honored tradition of prioritizing sports over everything else in high schools!"

SportsChain's team is already planning future updates, including a feature that automatically elects the school's star quarterback as student body president and a neural network that can convert physics textbooks into protein shake recipes.

As schools across the country rush to adopt this revolutionary technology, one thing is clear: the future of high school politics is about to get a lot more athletic. And for those worried about the fate of traditional student council activities? As Dunker puts it, "They can always join the cheerleading squad if they want to be involved. Go team!"